Customized Mentoring For The Wicked Intelligent and other Smarty Pants


Accepting, recognizing, and valuing all learners

I am called to serve the wicked smart, challenging, defiant, apathetic, artistic, quiet, curious, emotional, and otherwise intense learner.

I am called to facilitate the success of everyone who is struggling with school work!

Inspired by the power of the personal relationship, I have spent my career in the Denver Public schools understanding of the power of recognizing, accepting, and valuing each student to inspire their success. All students are unique and complex. They can be successful or reluctant learners- often based on their experiences in school.

No matter what their past experience with learning, at Massey’s Table Talk, they will find acceptance of their uniqueness, recognition of their gifts, and validation that these are the very gifts needed for success.

I can work with your wicked smart, challenging, defiant, artistic, quiet, curious, emotional, and otherwise intense learner.


Classroom success

Content specific and geared toward task completion in all-levels of literature reading and analysis, essay writing, grammar, vocabulary, and homework completion including AP Literature, AP Language, AP Psychology, Ap Government, Human geography.

more solace please…

Sometimes it is not easy to be gifted in this day and age. We can feel like outsiders, different than other people but not always well liked for it. We can be unique in the way we approach the world. In these sessions we explore ourselves, our ideas, our interests, and our role in the world.

ON-LINE or in-person



I can facilitate your on-line academic success via Zoom, Skype, or facetime! If you prefer, we can meet at the local library or coffee house. Together we will successfully manage your academic experience.

Master English teacher grades 6-12 - all abilities, GT certified, AP Literature qualified, skilled at task analysis, task completion, organization, encouragement, recognition, content teaching and reteaching, discussion, and engagement!

Call Now!

720-341-1331 or

moments For MOms

Join me reading and discussing the best literature out there! This is time to renew yourself and enjoy real-life conversations based on literature.

Guide on the side

This is supported time to work on your ideas and projects. Work could be class related or your own fascination inspiration that we explore from inception to presentation.

The Important Details!

$175 buys you five 75-minute sessions to use ANYTIME you need or want. The sessions belong to you, and you may use them, share them, or save them as you choose.

Don’t wait! Contact me now! Let’s get started! or 720-341-1331


Attitude Reflects Leadership
— Remember the Titans